Saturday 24 October 2009

'Feeling better' Saturday

I love these autumn mornings, when everything is gray and oozy, rain isn't really rain but just something cold and wet dripping from every surface, melting the trees and posters and soil, getting everything rotten and ready for frost... There are no colors, no shadows; no music left from summer nights, no fragrance but smog and smoke, nothing alive is moving in the street but delivery trucks... I wish I had some good dreary pictures on the subject :D

But soon of course umbrellas come by and if Porky was alive I'd over-expose the shutter and you could see how umbrellas travel in this great riverbed that is my street... The street should change, it should be more like some neat French cafe avenue with quaint shops and cushy sit-out.. Unfortunately, no. In days like these it is a lonely street with seven bakeries and I still prefer to shop for bread in the mall.

Feeling much better today. My thighs are starting to ache again from having been in the same position for three days (I spend 8o% of my time awake sitting), but the whole techno pagan mode is on full throttle and I've already laid out 5 blogs AND did my fishing and cooking dailies :D For me this little ritual is like going to church. Some use Jesus as part of conversation, we use WoW.