Thursday 18 August 2011

Some day libraries will be shut down...

This heat does not agree with me. I repeatedly have ugly nightmares during my afternoon naps (which I take to avoid the afternoon heat, duh) and by ugly I mean they don't feat monsters which I usually then draw into sex dreams, but people dying. Namely me or people I love. Slowly. Of old age. And I'm right there, expiriencing every second of the impossible, depressing, dissarming, fucked-up grief...
         Like I said, they are really fucking depressing.
         But there are countermeasures. :D  Pretty ones.

I went to the library today, to look for mother-language copy of 'The Help'. It's such a cool place. Literally - it's nice, airy, bright and airconditioned and not many people roam it, as machines now bar you at the gate and you can deal with them, not shelves. Shelves are all but empty (summer, 'tis the season) and the book I was after (having a sudden urge to hold paper in my hands) wasn't even shelved yet and it was already reserved by five people. That just.... makes me feel so good. People are reading! Good books!
       There may come a day when the libraries get closed to make room for retards - but it is not this day :D

(Sorry, Aragorn. Had to. :P)