Friday 2 December 2011

I have to say I love the way my brain works. Not that it's doing me any favors, but I am still in awe of its predictability. :D
            My day hasn’t been the best. Finding out yet more of my published photos have not been signed and yet more people posing as professionals have degraded my efforts, not to mention a photo shoot I’ve been really looking forward to has been cancelled and Barki seems to be a little bit sick. I’ve tried writing a single page of a book I am obliged to write and instead ended up writing fourteen pages of a book I am only writing to blow off steam that builds while I’m focusing on the research of the first. It’s not exactly Mozart – finished in the first go – but it makes for an excellent skeleton structure for the narrative I will eventually, probably, embellish. Huge chunks of the last part of my space adventure are coming together, even if in a strange and unfamiliar tone. There is a scene in which I kill my first real person, but I only wrote about three lines on the subject. The writing should probably rest for a bit, a month or so, so that I can re-read it and decide if this cold, detached, shallow and dry tone fits perfectly to the mental state of the heroine at the time of the final showdown or can I do a lot better… Either which way, it was an unexpected positive closure of a bad day.