Saturday 24 March 2012

On really bad books

At times I am amazed by how bad certain books can be. I am not talking about the kind I wouldn’t even bother to pick up – I am talking about those I pick up because their reviews were five stars and they seem like something I would like to read at the time. Couple of days ago I decided on a chick novel starring folks from ancient Rome, because I like what TV’s been doing portraying ancient Rome lately and I couldn’t get my hands on any good books that would take place in Bangkok, which was my second choice on extreme societies (though with a better sense of humor) …

Ultimately I settled on Quinn’s Mistress of Rome, because out of all the similar bookies in our library, that one had the best marks. (I wanted to read off paper in my own language, while I wait for another book that’s been taken out at the mo). 

I can’t believe sometimes, how bad books can be. This shouldn’t really come as a shock, because more than most of the bestsellers in these parts are complete and utter rubbish, a trend crowned by Da Vinci Code, which was plain old ridiculous, but it still throws me. I’m probably spoiled by the sort of people I socialize with and the sort of work we create – when we say a book is a heavy romance novel, it’s a heavy romance novel. When it’s perky fiction pulp, it’s perky fiction pulp. Genre is just genre, you can make an excellent, readable, fun and profound book within any of it. But don’t sell a book called ‘accurate Roman historical fiction with a lead heroine slave-turned-whore-turned-whatever’ to me and hope I have no expectations nor knowledge on the subject. Bitch, please. I’m a historian. I can sniff out stereotypes from two lines away and it starts to reek for the entire chapter I bother on, hoping the whole mess will improve once it gains momentum.  How can I enjoy the mood of a narrative, if it’s written for twelve-year old nerdy schoolgirls or under-educated middle-aged housewives?Only too late did I notice that the american cover for this volume is a blatant rip-off from the original HBO series.... Seriously, is there no law against this mess??

 ... And, I stress again, this is from the front shelves. I dare not think what the stuff that didn’t get five out of five stars is like … O.o 

I am now more resolved than ever to get my books to paper. Stay satisfied with reading the likes of Hadrian’s memoirs, and watching Spartacus and Rome, skipping the really gruesome bits, focusing on the costumes and politics …

… and there it is, Craig Parker’s penis again. But then again you can never tell with these shows, what with all their merkins and Kirk Douglas-es…