Monday 13 August 2012

I just realised, walking earlier by the river, pass the library, all lit and pretty, like a city's heart on a perfect sumer eve... People have been asking me for years why I married the guy I married the first time - even though everyone knew he was a faggoty mother-obsessed selfish loser with only thing smaller than his dick being his integrity ...

It was because somewhere deep in my soul I believed this man would build my libraries. Because I though he was going to be doing that, building libraries, and he would be thinking of me during. 

And as of today, my last big question - how could I have been so wrong - has faltered. Now I know. And now it makes a lot of sense, why someone like that would ever be loved by anyone. Deeds like that redeem. If he ever meant a single thing he said. Which, shockingly, he didn't... 

I have decided that from now on when people ask me how come I am almost deaf on one ear, I will say because I believed too many whispers someone lied into it :D