Thursday 29 March 2018

Trying to watch Molly's Game ...

..  I'm trying, but it's not easy. For all the beauty and talent the actors have, it's haaaaaaard to chew through all the AaronSorkin-isms, the endless fast narration, dialogue and forced intellectual stuff that clashes directly with the act of her being incredibly timid, nice, scared little girl in court. She is as feisty as a razor blade when discussing psychoanalysis with her shrink dad at the age of 12, but when she finds out her phone texts were copied to her hard drives she goes on a five minute rant about how bad that is and oh, my...
.. Dunno. It's just ... if they talked a lot less, and a lot more convincingly, it would be great. But they only talk more and the script is Aaron Sorkin circle jerk. 

I've been trying to figure out, and I can't, what's bothering me about the actress's undertit. It's just weird. Did they use some weird glue or hairspray to make her boobs seem bubblier than tits naturally are? It's distracting. 

At the opening night she looks normal, so ... (And I know natural boobs that size don't stand up like that. She already looks perfect, I've no idea why they would try so hard to make her look fake...?)